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Polishing with rotating rubber cups and brushes is a thing of the past with us. We work with the latest technology to get the best results.

Guided biofilm therapy AIRFLOW. Cleanic Mondzorg. Mondhygiënist Rijswijk. Mondhygiënist Den Haag. Oral-B. witte tanden. mondzorg. tandarts. tanden bleken. tandpasta.
AIRFLOW Prophylaxis Master. Cleanic Mondzorg. Mondhygiënist Rijswijk. Mondhygiënist Den Haag. Oral-B. witte tanden. mondzorg. tandarts. tanden bleken. tandpasta.

EMS Prophylaxis Master

At our clinic you can experience a high-quality and comfortable polishing treatment.

Polishing with rotating rubber cups and brushes is a thing of the past for us. We work with the latest technology to achieve the best results.

We use the Airflow® Prophylaxis Master from EMS for polishing. This ensures a gentle and painless polishing experience, even for sensitive teeth and gums. This device uses a combination of air, (warm) water, and special powder to remove plaque, early-stage tartar, and other stains from the teeth. This technique allows for polishing above and below the gumline. Additionally, it's possible to polish effectively between the teeth and molars for the best results.

Polishing with Airflow® provides long-lasting results, keeping your teeth clean and fresh for an extended period. Would you like to experience this too? Make an appointment with us. Often, you can be seen the same week.

We are a GBT-certified practice. This means that we meet all the requirements set by EMS to be certified.

Guided biofilm therapy Cleanic Mondzorg. Mondhygiënist Rijswijk. Mondhygiënist Den Haag. Oral-B. witte tanden. mondzorg. tandarts. tanden bleken. tandpasta.
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